State Permits…
So you’re here for some guidance on how to apply… we put this page together to help with the process.
248 CMR: 3.05:(1) Permits
(a). Jurisdiction of Inspectors.
1. State Inspectors. Permits to perform plumbing and/or gas fitting work in buildings owned, used, leased, or constructed by the Commonwealth persuant to M.G.L. c. 142, s.21, shall be submitted to State Inspectors who shall grant or deny such Permit applications and who shall perform the related Inspections.
2. Local Insepectors. For all buildings that ARE NOT: owned or constructed by the United States Government “Federal” or that are not owned, used, leased, or constructed by the Commonwealth, all Permit applications shall be submitted to the Local Inspectors who shall grant or deny all such Permit applications and who shall perform the related Insepections.
3. For those buildings owned or constructed by the United States Government “Federal”, Permits and Inspections for those buildings are only required at the request of the Federal Government.
If your work falls into the description of the bold #1 line above, continue on.
There are 3 ways to submit a permit application to the State for a permit:
Print out and mail the completed Uniform State Plumbing and/or Gas permit forms to:
Division of Occupational Licensure
1000 Washington Street, Suite 710
Boston, Massachusetts 02118
Drop off in person, the completed Uniform State Plumbing and/or Gas permit forms at:
Division of Occupational Licensure
1000 Washington Street, Suite 710
Boston, Massachusetts 02118
Or follow along and complete the required forms online and submit them. This is done on the same ePLACE Portal website you have been renewing your license.
Note: as part of the application process, the State Inspector will check to see if you are current with Continuing Education, if your business is a corporation, that your business is registered with the Secretary of State and the Plumbing Board, and you are the Master Plumber/Gasfitter as listed on file for the business.
If it has been more than a couple of months since you’ve logged into your account, you will be required to create a new password. Do this by clicking “I’ve forgotten my password” and follow the prompts to change it.
Under “Manage Licenses, Permits and Certificates” click on “File an Online Application”
Review and agree to the terms outlined in the box, and that you will provide true, accurate, and complete information to the Commonwealth.
Scroll down to Board of State Examiners of Plumbers and Gas fitters and click it, then the appropriate box next to Gas Fitting Permit or Plumbing Permit.
Follow the prompt to create a contact person for this permit and fill out the required fields marked with a red * (not all fields are mandatory) and press CONTINUE
Note: If you would like someone else in the company to be the contact person, in addition to the license holder pulling the permit, an additional contact person can be added after entering the first one.
Step 1: Contact Information : PREMISES ADDRESS is the address of your job, not your own address. Many people mistakenly enter their own address, and is very difficult to correct. This step determines which State Inspector receives your application.
Step 2: Application Information: Jobsite Details-
Main Inspection Site Name- Location information for the job / building name/number / floor info,
Jobsite Details: What work is being done…
Property Owner: Self explanatory… If you don’t know who the correct property owner is, you can look it up at the Tax Assessor’s online database for that address in that City or Town. We have a page on our website that has links to every Tax Assessor’s database in the Commonwealth.
Step 2: Application Information: License Information-
Continue filling in information typically found on the Uniform Plumbing & Gas Permit forms
Step 2: Application Information: Fixtures-
Continue filling in information typically found on the Uniform Plumbing & Gas Permit forms
Step 2: Application Information: Insurance Information-
Continue filling in information typically found on the Uniform Plumbing & Gas Permit forms
Step 3: Documentation:
Upload any required Documents for this permit: plans, workers’ comp. affidavit, product information, welder’s certificates, etc…
Step 4: Review-
Look over the information you entered; edit any sections or information if necessary, and submit.
Step 5: Application Submission-
Successfully Completed Application!! It has been sent to the appropriate State Inspector for review.
Background photo of Title Section taken from wikipedia.org.
photo taken by: Lëa-Kim Châteauneuf - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=83840096